
design. media. marketing. collaboration.


portfolio, designs, studies, projects, and information on ben tushar.

some 3d stuff.

freelance logos for music producers gringo status and nelson ray.

 Click. Journey. (seriously click this it's a link)

unfortunately newhive, the host site for the link above, no longer exists and I do not have the source files from this project, but it had been a series of animated augmented virtual reality spaces based on images from google street view enhanced with custom made gif animations taken from a variety of sources. one scene from this series can be seen in the embedded 3d model “world” below.

Construct reality.


a 3d amalgamation of many of my other works including "click. journey.", "suburban wonderland.", "global warming.", "invisible worlds.", and "debt to mary.". click and drag in the frame to explore the model.

titled work.

invisible world 1.

invisible world 1.

invisible world 2.

invisible world 2.

invisible world 3.

invisible world 3.

suburban wonderland.

suburban wonderland.

designer grease.

designer grease.

global warming.

global warming.

plaster caster.

plaster caster.
